Traveling with Children

Traveling with Children the Stress-Free Way
One of the greatest parts of being a parent is getting to explore new places and share new experiences with kids. Getting to see the world the way they do is truly amazing! However, bringing the kids along to visit new places can also make traveling much more difficult.Traveling involves a lot of breaks in action and downtime. Whether driving or flying, a lot of the trip can be spent waiting. Children can’t be expected to have the patience and understanding of an adult, so traveling with them can prove to be difficult. The following tips can help to make traveling with kids more relaxing and carefree.

Keep them involved
This will look different depending on the age of the child. For younger kids, this can be as simple as talking about the colors and shapes of everything you see. Older kids may enjoy taking pictures, keeping a travel journal, or drawing some of the sites they see along the way.

pool area at the Aiden St. George

Bring along snacks
Who doesn’t get grumpy when they’re hungry? To avoid having to stop more than necessary, pack lots of snacks that are high in protein and low in sugar. Of course, a sweet treat or two along the way is ok, too.

Limit downtime
Downtime is where a child’s patience is tested the most. Once kids start getting antsy after a long period without excitement, it may be time to stop off and have an adventure. Exploring rest stops, local shops, and parks are small breaks that will have a big impact.

Have a loose schedule
Those who have a regimented schedule at home will have to loosen up during a trip. However, it’s important to have at least a bit of a similar flow to each day. Napping, eating, and sleeping should all be done around the same time each day, especially for young children.

Traveling with children doesn’t have to be an insurmountable task. With a bit of planning and patience, kids can enjoy the journey just as much as the destination all while keeping parents sane.

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